Articles Tagged with Georgia personal injury attorney

Every year, serious bicycle crashes cost over $23 billion. Misinformation contributes to this high total. Bicycle helmets are a good example. When drivers see helmeted riders, drivers subconsciously think the riders could survive crashes. Therefore, many drivers take unnecessary chances. These unnecessary changes often mean severe or catastrophic injuries for bicyclists. These wounds usually include head injuries, broken bones, and serious internal injuries.

Only a Marietta personal injury attorney can obtain the financial compensation these victims need and deserve. Bicycle crash victims need money to pay medical bills and other accident-related expenses. They deserve this money because they must find some way to move on with their lives. Perhaps more importantly, damage awards send a strong message to motorists and encourage them to share the road with bicyclists.

Aggressive Driving

Plaintiff’s winning percentage in court has declined over the last several years, mostly because insurance company revenue has skyrocketed over this same period to more than $1 trillion per year. As a result, these companies can now hire more effective lawyers and allow them to go to trial if necessary. Usually, the insurance company’s trial strategy in a vehicle collision claim revolves around one of the three defenses discussed below.

Back in the day, when the plaintiff’s winning percentage was high, and insurance companies had limited resources, almost any lawyer could successfully handle a vehicle collision claim. In the current environment, only a Marietta personal injury attorney can obtain the best possible result in such claims. That result usually includes maximum compensation for the victim’s economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Last Clear Chance

Maybe not “most” accidents, but speed is a factor in about a third of the fatal car wrecks in Georgia. The proportion of speeding-related collisions had been dropping slightly until the 2020 coronavirus lockdowns. When roads emptied, many drivers acquired some bad habits, including excessive speeding. Like many bad habits, this one is easy to form and hard to break. As outlined below, speed impacts the risk of a wreck and the force in a collision. 

Also, as outlined below, excessive speed is usually negligence, or a lack of care. If that is the case, a Marietta personal injury attorney can obtain the compensation the victim needs and deserves. Victims need this compensation to pay accident-related expenses, like medical bills and damaged property replacement. They deserve this compensation because their injuries were not their fault, and no one should bear the responsibility for someone else’s mistake.

How Speed Affects Car Crash Injuries

Since 2010, the number of fatal large truck crashes has increased by 31%. The danger has increased as regulators, citing supply chain concerns, now look the other way when truckers violate HOS (hours of service) laws and other safety laws. These cases are quite complex since the liability chain does not stop with the tortfeasor (negligent driver). The company that owned the truck, which is usually an out-of-state conglomerate, is legally responsible for damages in these cases. 

So, there is usually no such thing as a “simple” truck crash claim. Such a complex case demands a Marietta personal injury attorney with a certain skill set. There is no way to guarantee that a victim will find the right lawyer. However, victims who look for the following three qualities in their attorneys have a much better chance of obtaining maximum compensation for their serious injuries.


Eventually, most personal injury cases in Georgia settle out of court. However, in most civil cases, “eventually” is a very long time. Insurance company lawyers drag their feet as much as possible. Every day that a settlement check stays in the insurance company’s bank account, the bank pays interest. Vehicle collisions kill or seriously injure millions of people each year, and the average injury-related medical bill is over $50,000. Because of the volume and value of these claims, there is a lot of money at stake, and every day counts.

If possible, insurance company lawyers would gladly use legal loopholes and aggressive negotiating tactics to reduce or deny compensation to victims. Only a Marietta personal injury attorney levels the playing field. As a result, victims have a much better chance of obtaining the compensation they need and deserve. Damages in a car wreck case usually include compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. Additional punitive damages may be available as well, in some extreme cases.

Pre-Filing Settlements

Truck drivers hauling certain consumer products are exempt from some HOS (Hours of Service) rules, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration.

The latest exemption does not expire until May 2022 at the earliest. In a statement, the FMCSA stated the extension was necessary, even though COVID-19 cases are dropping, since “persistent issues arising out of COVID-19 continue to affect the U.S. including impacts on supply chains and the need to ensure capacity to respond to variants and potential rises in infections. Therefore, a continued exemption is needed to support direct emergency assistance for some supply chains.” 

The HOS waiver applies to drivers carrying livestock, feed for livestock, fuel, most medical supplies, and most food and paper products.

Police are unsure what caused a serious injury collision on Interstate 20, but they are certain that the crash killed two people and seriously injured several others, including an infant and a teenager.

Investigators believe that a Chevrolet pickup swerved to avoid a Dodge Charger and slammed into a retaining wall. The Charger’s driver and a pickup’s passenger died at the scene. All injured victims, including the two children, were rushed to a nearby hospital with serious injuries.

A dog in one of the vehicles was also seriously injured.

During coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, many Georgia motorists developed some bad driving habits, including speeding, not wearing a seat belt, and driving while impaired. Before the pandemic, operator impairment accounted for about half of the fatal car crashes in the Peachtree State. There is no telling how high the proportion is now. Impaired driving crashes are usually not “accidents.” People accidentally lose their car keys. They do not accidentally drive drunk and cause wrecks.

So, a Marietta personal injury attorney can usually obtain substantial compensation following an impaired driver wreck. This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. Generally, these cases do not go to trial. Instead, lawyers are usually able to resolve them out of court and on victim-friendly terms.


A motorist who was trying to evade pursuing police officers apparently lost control of his car at speeds approaching 170mph. Four people between age 16 and age 22 died in the inferno.

A deputy operating a speed trap initially clocked a Dodge Challenger at 102mph. As the deputy pursued, the suspect sped away. That deputy lost sight of the vehicle, as did another deputy further ahead. When the driver tried to exit Interstate 75, the Charger barreled into a tree line and burst into flames. Two people were able to get out and the other four did not make it.

“It’s sad when young people lose their lives,” especially if the incident involves “poor choices,” opined Monroe County Sheriff Brad Freeman.

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