Should I Get a Rabies Shot After a Dog Bite in Georgia?

Rabies is a valid concern after a dog bite in Georgia. In the immediate aftermath of your animal attack, you might also become worried about all kinds of other infectious diseases. While rabies is generally quite rare, the statistics are somewhat misleading – and it is always best to approach your healthcare in a cautious manner. What should you do after a dog bite in Georgia? Do you need a rabies shot?

Health Department Confirms New Rabies Infection in Georgia

In August 2024, health officials confirmed that they had seen a new case of rabies in Georgia. However, the patient was not a human—it was a fox. The Health Department says that the dog’s whereabouts and condition are unknown, but they managed to capture and test the fox. While one would hope that the fox was cured, it may have been euthanized for safety purposes.

Rabid foxes have been causing mayhem across Georgia this year. Earlier in August, a woman’s pet dogs managed to defend her from a rabid fox attack in Griffin. Although neither she nor her animals were bitten, they were all quarantined for good measure. 

In July 2024, two people were attacked by a fox with rabies. The incident caused the death of the fox, with a property owner assumedly using deadly force in self-defense. Authorities also noted that the victims immediately received rabies treatments after surviving the attack – implying they may have been bitten. This came just days after a rabid raccoon carried out a similar attack in a nearby area.

All Dogs Should Be Vaccinated Against Rabies

In Georgia, dog owners are legally required to vaccinate their animals against rabies. In theory, this means that the chances of encountering a rabid dog are relatively low. Even if you were bitten, the chances of contracting rabies from a domestic dog are minimal. That being said, some dog owners do not bother with vaccinations – and the sheer number of rabid foxes in Georgia indicates that these unvaccinated dogs could easily contract rabies. 

In addition, it is worth noting that aggressive dogs are inherently more likely to have rabies – as heightened aggression is one of the most obvious symptoms of rabies. 

Getting a Rabies Shot is Never a Bad Idea

Based on the numerous reports of rabid animal attacks in Georgia, it seems that getting a rabies shot is a common precautionary measure. Even if you’re not sure whether the animal that bit you has rabies, it is probably a good idea to go ahead with a rabies shot. Of course, this is a medical decision that you should discuss with your family doctor – or a trained medical professional. 

You might also want to consider a dog attack lawsuit in Georgia. Regardless of whether the owner failed to vaccinate their animal, they may be liable for any injuries you suffered in the attack. These might be disfiguring scars, broken bones, lacerations, and so on. 

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