In the wake of the unprecedented disaster in Haiti, many of us feel the need to do something to help. If you are inclined to help, CARE is an amazing organization with an established long term mission in Haiti. Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations and they have been fighting against poverty in Haiti since 1954.
In the days following the devastating earthquake, several of my colleges in the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association gave thousands to CARE and inspired me to give as well. It was not until I received a very sweet thank you note from someone at CARE that I began to really research this organization and I have been very impressed. CARE has a comprehensive five-year, $100 million plan to help rebuild Haiti that includes:
Short-term – CARE distributed food, water purification packets, water, hygiene kits, shelter kits, jerry cans, emergency housing repair kits, blankets, mattresses, newborn kits and clean delivery kits. CARE has reached nearly 300,000 people in the country, with most of the distributions given to women, who then share the resources with their families.