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Since 2010, the number of fatal large truck crashes has increased by 31%. The danger has increased as regulators, citing supply chain concerns, now look the other way when truckers violate HOS (hours of service) laws and other safety laws. These cases are quite complex since the liability chain does not stop with the tortfeasor (negligent driver). The company that owned the truck, which is usually an out-of-state conglomerate, is legally responsible for damages in these cases. 

So, there is usually no such thing as a “simple” truck crash claim. Such a complex case demands a Marietta personal injury attorney with a certain skill set. There is no way to guarantee that a victim will find the right lawyer. However, victims who look for the following three qualities in their attorneys have a much better chance of obtaining maximum compensation for their serious injuries.


The medical bills and other economic losses associated with older adult falls total over $50 billion per year. Medicare and most private health insurance cover some of, but not all of, these costs. Therefore, many older fall victims could be financially responsible for medical bills they cannot pay. Even if a public or private insurance company covers all these costs, other people pay the price in the form of higher taxes and higher premiums. There is no reason you and I should pay for an injury that someone else negligently caused. 

Liability issues in fall injury claims are even more complex than these financial issues. Generally, landowners have a duty of care to provide safe environments that are free from fall injury hazards. This duty only applies if the nursing home owner, or another property owner, knew, or should have known, about the hazard.

All these complex issues mean that only the most experienced Marietta personal injury lawyer should handle an older adult fall injury claim. Attorneys not only deal with the issues in the case. They also immediately connect victims with the medical help they need. The injuries listed below are often difficult to diagnose and treat. They require a special doctor’s special attention. The first available ER doctor, or the cut-rate doctor an insurance company adjuster approves, simply will not do.

The number of large truck crashes is on the rise, in part because of the number of inexperienced drivers who are behind the wheel. According to the American Truck Driver Association, the current 80,000-driver shortage could reach 160,000 by 2029. These large vehicles are difficult for even experienced operators to handle. An inexperienced driver could cause a high-speed crash that leaves little but charred wreckage behind. 

The lack of eyewitness and physical evidence could be a problem when such cases go to court. But an experienced Marietta personal injury attorney knows how to overcome such problems and turn lost opportunities into new opportunities. Frequently, electronic evidence survives even the worst and most destructive wrecks. Furthermore, most tech-savvy Cobb County jurors embrace electronic evidence and give it even more weight than some other kinds of proof.

Event Data Recorder

Eventually, most personal injury cases in Georgia settle out of court. However, in most civil cases, “eventually” is a very long time. Insurance company lawyers drag their feet as much as possible. Every day that a settlement check stays in the insurance company’s bank account, the bank pays interest. Vehicle collisions kill or seriously injure millions of people each year, and the average injury-related medical bill is over $50,000. Because of the volume and value of these claims, there is a lot of money at stake, and every day counts.

If possible, insurance company lawyers would gladly use legal loopholes and aggressive negotiating tactics to reduce or deny compensation to victims. Only a Marietta personal injury attorney levels the playing field. As a result, victims have a much better chance of obtaining the compensation they need and deserve. Damages in a car wreck case usually include compensation for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. Additional punitive damages may be available as well, in some extreme cases.

Pre-Filing Settlements

Georgia has one of the country’s lowest auto insurance minimum requirements. Therefore, many Georgia drivers do not have enough insurance to cover all the losses in a catastrophic injury claim. The medical bills alone in such claims usually exceed $100,000. 

Victims in this situation usually have two basic options, especially if they do not have UM/UIM (uninsured/underinsured motorist) coverage. They can file separate collection claims against the tortfeasor (negligent driver), who is most likely judgment-proof, or they can look for a responsible third party with deep pockets and additional insurance.

So, in many cases, establishing legal responsibility for damages is only part of the process. A good Marietta personal injury lawyer goes the extra mile and obtains meaningful compensation in vehicle collision matters. This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Mostly because of driver issues, large truck crashes have increased by 47% since 2009. Especially given continuing supply chain issues, companies put more pressure on drivers than ever to deliver their loads as quickly as possible, regardless of safety concerns. In other words, these companies put profits before people. Regulators have not helped. If anything, regulators have made the safety problem worse by diluting key safety requirements, like HOS (hours of service) rules. 

Big companies often disregard public safety, and regulators often look the other way. In such environments, people can still count on a Marietta personal injury attorney to protect them. Attorneys hold negligent companies responsible for the injuries they cause even when regulators fail to do so. More importantly, a lawyer obtains the financial compensation truck crash victims need and deserve.

Impaired Driving 

Every year, serious fall injuries send over eight million Americans to hospital emergency rooms. The physical injuries these victims sustain are just the beginning. Falls usually cause emotional injuries, as well, especially if the victim is over 65. Many of these individuals are so afraid of falling again that they cease most physical activity. Generally, the physical and emotional injuries are permanent, at least to an extent. 

Despite the image that TV commercials portray, insurance companies care nothing about these severe injuries. Instead, they hire lawyers who look for ways to reduce or deny compensation to victims. A Marietta personal injury attorney takes the opposite view in pretty much every way. Lawyers quickly connect victims with high-quality doctors. Then, when the case goes to court, an attorney fights for the compensation you need and deserve.

Duty of Care

Every year, small and large supermarkets pay over $450 million to resolve indoor and outdoor slip-and-fall claims. These falls cause physical and emotional injuries. Physically, these victims sustain head injuries, broken bones, and other such wounds that often never heal, or at least never entirely heal. The same is true for the depression that many falls cause. Psychologically, many fall victims are so afraid of falling again that they essentially become prisoners in their own homes. The withdrawal often leads to deep depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

These injuries are difficult to diagnose and treat. Furthermore, these claims are legally complex. A Marietta personal injury attorney helps on both fronts. Lawyers connect victims with top-notch doctors who, in many cases, don’t charge anything upfront. Later, when the case goes to court, an attorney is committed to maximum compensation for your serious injuries. This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Legal Issues 

Over the last several years, wages have increased some, and medical bills have increased even more. However, workers’ compensation benefits are on the opposite track. Since 2013, wage replacement benefits are down 17%, and medical bill payment benefits are down 20%. Since workers’ compensation is no-fault insurance, insurance company lawyers cannot deny liability. But, they can and do challenge the amount of benefits. 

Marietta personal injury lawyer works hard to ensure job injury victims get the victims they need and deserve. These benefits are available to both trauma injury victims, like falls, and occupational disease victims, like hearing loss. Both kinds of injuries are often difficult to diagnose and treat. Job injury victims in Georgia usually have the right to choose their own physicians. So, these victims get the treatment they need, as opposed to the treatment a company doctor is willing to provide.

Lost Wage Replacement

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