Articles Posted in Trucking Accidents

Almost every consumer product, from a thumb tack to a party van, spent some time on a large truck. So, a fully-loaded large truck weighs over 80,000 pounds. As a result, the force in a semi-truck collision is so immense that no safety restraint system, however sophisticated, could possibly absorb it. Catastrophic burns are often the worst injuries in these collisions. Diesel fuel burns at a different temperature from ordinary gasoline, making the resulting burns extensive, painful, and difficult to treat.

These injury claims are complex, not just because the injuries are so severe. Generally, an out-of-state shipping or transportation company owned the truck involved in the crash. These companies often immediately hire high-priced lawyers to defend them in court. Because of these complexities, only the most experienced Marietta personal injury lawyer should handle such claims. Inexperienced lawyers have little or no chance of obtaining maximum compensation in these cases.

Basic Building Blocks

Truck crash claims in Georgia are almost overwhelmingly complex. The respondeat superior rule is a good example. The shipping or transportation firm that owned the cargo or employed the driver, usually an out-of-state holding company, is often financially responsible for truck crash damages. When a problem seems complex, it’s best to break things down into small steps.

These small steps begin almost immediately after the wreck. If victims say and do the right things at this critical time, it’s much easier for a Marietta personal injury lawyer to obtain maximum compensation later. This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering.

Wait for Emergency Responders

Since 2010, the number of fatal large truck crashes has increased by 31%. The danger has increased as regulators, citing supply chain concerns, now look the other way when truckers violate HOS (hours of service) laws and other safety laws. These cases are quite complex since the liability chain does not stop with the tortfeasor (negligent driver). The company that owned the truck, which is usually an out-of-state conglomerate, is legally responsible for damages in these cases. 

So, there is usually no such thing as a “simple” truck crash claim. Such a complex case demands a Marietta personal injury attorney with a certain skill set. There is no way to guarantee that a victim will find the right lawyer. However, victims who look for the following three qualities in their attorneys have a much better chance of obtaining maximum compensation for their serious injuries.


The number of large truck crashes is on the rise, in part because of the number of inexperienced drivers who are behind the wheel. According to the American Truck Driver Association, the current 80,000-driver shortage could reach 160,000 by 2029. These large vehicles are difficult for even experienced operators to handle. An inexperienced driver could cause a high-speed crash that leaves little but charred wreckage behind. 

The lack of eyewitness and physical evidence could be a problem when such cases go to court. But an experienced Marietta personal injury attorney knows how to overcome such problems and turn lost opportunities into new opportunities. Frequently, electronic evidence survives even the worst and most destructive wrecks. Furthermore, most tech-savvy Cobb County jurors embrace electronic evidence and give it even more weight than some other kinds of proof.

Event Data Recorder

Mostly because of driver issues, large truck crashes have increased by 47% since 2009. Especially given continuing supply chain issues, companies put more pressure on drivers than ever to deliver their loads as quickly as possible, regardless of safety concerns. In other words, these companies put profits before people. Regulators have not helped. If anything, regulators have made the safety problem worse by diluting key safety requirements, like HOS (hours of service) rules. 

Big companies often disregard public safety, and regulators often look the other way. In such environments, people can still count on a Marietta personal injury attorney to protect them. Attorneys hold negligent companies responsible for the injuries they cause even when regulators fail to do so. More importantly, a lawyer obtains the financial compensation truck crash victims need and deserve.

Impaired Driving 

At a minimum, fully-loaded semi-trucks weigh over 80,000 pounds. Especially if they carry consumer goods, state and federal regulators almost routinely give truckers overweight waivers. Although today’s cars and trucks have many more safety features than the ones made 20 years ago, modern safety features cannot possibly absorb all the force in a high-speed truck wreck.

Largely because of this excessive force, the average injury-related medical bill in a serious injury claim exceeds $100,000. If the victim required helicopter medevac, which is common in these cases, the medical bills could exceed $150,000. Generally, group health insurance companies refuse to cover such costs. So, a Marietta personal injury attorney connects victims with doctors who, even though they are tops in their fields, charge nothing upfront for their services.

Head Injuries

Truck drivers hauling certain consumer products are exempt from some HOS (Hours of Service) rules, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration.

The latest exemption does not expire until May 2022 at the earliest. In a statement, the FMCSA stated the extension was necessary, even though COVID-19 cases are dropping, since “persistent issues arising out of COVID-19 continue to affect the U.S. including impacts on supply chains and the need to ensure capacity to respond to variants and potential rises in infections. Therefore, a continued exemption is needed to support direct emergency assistance for some supply chains.” 

The HOS waiver applies to drivers carrying livestock, feed for livestock, fuel, most medical supplies, and most food and paper products.

Some months ago, State Police and local highway authorities were searching for a large commercial truck that they believed was involved in a deadly hit-and-run collision. The truck accident occurred in the early morning hours on a stretch of road in Marietta. 

Georgia State Police believe that a yellow Volvo tractor trailer was traveling westbound and attempted to make an unlawful U-turn on the highway. An oncoming car struck and drove under the truck’s trailer. Tragically, the driver and the passenger of that vehicle were killed in the wreck. Witnesses say the truck pulled into a nearby parking lot before fleeing the scene of the accident. 

Georgia Law: Drivers Must Stop and Remain at the Scene of a Crash

Since 2009, the number of large truck accidents in Georgia has increased by 47%. These wrecks often cause catastrophic injuries, like serious burns and head injuries. Diesel fuel burns at a different temperature from ordinary gasoline, and a fully loaded large truck weighs more than 80,000 pounds. So, these wrecks often involve fires and almost always involve an unbelievable amount of force.

Electronic evidence is often very compelling in these cases. This kind of proof resonates well with tech-savvy Cobb County jurors. Additionally, most courtrooms have large, HD monitors. When jurors see these screens, they expect to see pictures on these screens. So, a Marietta personal injury attorney usually tries to present as much electronic evidence as possible. This proof increases the chances jurors will award maximum compensation for your serious injuries.

Event Data Recorder

Accidents involving commercial trucks can have devastating results. This is mostly due to the fact that a semi-truck can weigh more than 30,000 pounds, while a passenger vehicle typically weighs only around 4,000 pounds. The following are some of the most common causes of commercial truck accidents and some practical ways for commercial truck drivers to prevent these kinds of accidents.

What are the Most Common Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents?

There are a few common causes of truck accidents, which include the following:

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