Articles Posted in Personal Injury

After a dog bite, you may face significant financial losses. First and foremost, you may incur tremendous medical bills as you seek to address your various injuries. You may also lose income after being forced to miss work due to your injuries. These two losses feed into each other, and it becomes increasingly difficult to pay your medical bills with no income to speak of. Finally, you might incur various “non-economic” damages – including PTSD, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, and other psychological concerns. Who pays for these damages after a dog bite in Georgia?

Dog Owners Often Pay for Damages After a Dog Attack

The obvious party who becomes liable for dog bite injuries is the owner. In Georgia, you can hold these dog owners liable for your injuries – even if they took reasonable steps to prevent harm from occurring. The real question is whether they have enough assets to cover your damages. 

Non-economic damages could prove crucial as you recover from a Georgia car accident. When it comes to traumatic injuries, the physical consequences are just one part of the equation. Serious injuries inevitably come with psychological distress, worry, and anxiety. Many car crash survivors develop legitimate psychological disorders as they do their best to recover. But what exactly are non-economic damages, and why are they so important? Can you claim these damages after a car accident in Marietta?

Non-Economic Damages in Georgia Explained

Non-economic damages represent your psychological or emotional issues after a car accident. These damages are not the same as “economic damages,” which represent only your financial losses. As a result of their non-financial nature, non-economic damages can be quite abstract. You can’t put a clear price on anxiety in the same way as a lost paycheck, for example. 

Rabies is a valid concern after a dog bite in Georgia. In the immediate aftermath of your animal attack, you might also become worried about all kinds of other infectious diseases. While rabies is generally quite rare, the statistics are somewhat misleading – and it is always best to approach your healthcare in a cautious manner. What should you do after a dog bite in Georgia? Do you need a rabies shot?

Health Department Confirms New Rabies Infection in Georgia

In August 2024, health officials confirmed that they had seen a new case of rabies in Georgia. However, the patient was not a human—it was a fox. The Health Department says that the dog’s whereabouts and condition are unknown, but they managed to capture and test the fox. While one would hope that the fox was cured, it may have been euthanized for safety purposes.

If you have been injured in a fiery Georgia car accident, you might be struggling with various injuries. Perhaps you have suffered disfiguring scars. Maybe you are struggling with the effects of smoke inhalation. Whatever the case may be, access to high-quality medical treatment is essential. Accident victims should always seek prompt medical care – even if they’re not sure how bad their injuries are. 

Three Confirmed Deaths After Fiery Georgia Car Accident

Fiery crashes can easily become fatal. In August of 2024, three deaths were reported after a fiery wreck in Georgia. Police say that three vehicles were involved in the crash, and one of these vehicles erupted into flames after the collision. Although first responders were quickly called to the scene, they arrived to find a group of individuals entrapped within the vehicle. One can only assume that these were the three individuals who perished. 

Any driver can cause a serious accident in Cobb County. Everyone is capable of misconduct, negligence, or basic mistakes – including government employees operating government vehicles. Within the past few weeks, numerous government vehicles have been involved in serious crashes throughout Georgia. These accidents have led to various injuries, and they raise an important question: Can you sue a government agency for causing a car crash in Marietta

Police Chase Injures Pregnant Woman

In June 2024, police reported that one of their pursuits had injured a pregnant woman in Georgia. The pursuit began in South Carolina, and the suspect eventually crossed the border into Georgia. Shortly thereafter, the suspect ran a red light and smashed into a vehicle operated by a pregnant woman. The pregnant woman survived the crash and received transport to a nearby hospital. Authorities stated that she was “okay,” but she obviously suffered some kind of injury as a result of the collision. Her car was reportedly totaled. 

Disfigurement is a common issue among survivors of dog bites in Marietta. A dog’s jaws and teeth can mutilate tissue, causing both psychological and physical problems for the foreseeable future. If you are struggling with disfigurement after a dog bite in Marietta, you may desperately need compensation to cover various damages. Reconstructive surgery and similar procedures can be highly expensive, and you may lose income while you recover. How do you pursue financial support after a dog bite in Marietta?

You Have the Right to Sue the Owner After a Dog Attack in Georgia

You may have the right to sue a dog owner after a disfiguring attack in Georgia. The Peach State allows victims of dog attacks to hold owners liable for their injuries – and these injuries may include disfigurements.

After a dog attack in Marietta, you may need to familiarize yourself with local ordinances regarding animal restraints. This is because your ability to sue may depend on whether the dog owner violated any of these local laws. If no violations occurred and the animal had no prior aggressive tendencies, a dog bite lawsuit may be impossible. However, Marietta’s dog laws are quite strict – and there are many ways in which an owner might violate them. 

Why Do I Need to Learn About Marietta’s Dog Leash Laws?

Unlike many other States, Georgia does not enforce “strict liability” for dog owners. In other words, the victim must prove some kind of negligence in order to pursue compensation for dog bite injuries. Similar States call this system a “one-bite rule,” but Georgia’s system is slightly more complex. Aside from simply showing that the dog in question has carried out an attack in the past, you may also prove that the dog was unrestrained. If you choose this route, you must consider ordinances regarding dog leashes and similar subjects. 

Stray dogs are becoming a serious threat in Georgia. In May of 2024, numerous sources reported that a “pack of stray dogs” had mauled a mother to death. The incident also left the woman’s children injured, and it sparked a renewed discussion about dog attacks in Georgia. However, later reports suggested that the dogs were not actually “strays” but rather unsupervised and uncontrolled pets of a nearby neighbor. What can you do if you were attacked by stray dogs in Georgia

The Definition of a “Stray Dog”

The definition of a “stray dog” is somewhat elusive. In most contexts, the phrase refers to a dog without an owner. In other words, these are “wild” or “street” dogs. However, people may use this term loosely – and it may refer to a dog that is simply venturing off its property. After the tragic May incident in Georgia, many media sources referred to the animals as a “pack of stray dogs.” However, there is some indication that the dogs were not true strays. An individual close to the family seemed to suggest that the attack was carried out by “the neighbor’s dogs.” If this is true, the animals might have simply wandered or “strayed” off the property. However, another local stated that the animals had been “dumped” on the street. 

Talking with a personal injury lawyer can seem daunting and is often shrouded in a veil of myths and fiction. After being in an accident, you may have a lot of ideas swirling through your mind, and it can be helpful to sort out fiction from fact.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, you may find it helpful to challenge these misconceptions and talk to an experienced Marietta personal injury lawyer.

MYTH: Insurance Will Never Pay

Distracted driving has many forms, but for teen drivers, one of the most dangerous is texting. Texting combines visual, manual, and cognitive distractions. According to NHTSA, since 2007, drivers 16 to 24 year olds are at greater risk for distracted driving crashes, many due to messaging and texting. 

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident involving technology distraction, you may find it helpful to talk to an experienced Marietta personal injury lawyer.

What is the Georgia Law About Texting?

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