
What to Do About a Dog Bite in Cobb County

Getting bitten by a dog can be scary, shocking, and unpleasant. If you have been bitten or scratched by a dog, cat, or other mammal, it is essential to report the event and get medical attention. Cobb and Douglas Public Health provides specific instructions for reporting and getting medical care.

If you have been bitten by a dog in Cobb County, after getting medical attention, you may want to consider speaking with a Marietta personal injury lawyer. An experienced lawyer may be able to provide insights into legal options.

Coping With a Dog Bite in Cobb County

Dog owners have unique responsibilities to report dog bites, isolate and observe the dog, and consult medical providers.

Report the Dog Bite as Soon as Possible

Reporting the bite or scratch to your local Animal Control is a top priority. If you have been bitten, the animal could potentially bite another person. Your diligent reporting is not just keeping you safe – it’s helping you protect other members of your community.

Isolate and Observe the Animal

If possible, make sure that the animal is isolated and observed. The recommendation is to observe but not interact with the animal during this time. 

Rabies vaccine is not needed if the animal is healthy after ten days, according to a report by Cobb and Douglas Public Health.

However, if the animal is not healthy after this time, or if the animal dies, it is essential to contact Animal Control for possible rabies testing.

Consult Your Medical Provider

Your doctor or medical provider can assess your injury and provide treatment. You may need TDAP, also known as a tetanus booster.

Preventing Dog Bite Rabies in Cobb County

Rabies is a dangerous disease. If you have a pet, keep rabies vaccinations up to date. To prevent your pets from contracting rabies, Public Health experts advise keeping cats indoors and keeping dogs on a leash.

To help reduce unwanted pets, spay or neuter your dogs or cats. Further, call animal control to remove stray animals from your neighborhood. These animals may not be vaccinated or may be carriers of disease.

To reach animal control in Cobb Country, call 770-499-4136.

Public health also provides a rabies manual, a rabies decision tree, and an online animal bite/scratch reporting form

Filing a Dog-Bite Lawsuit in Georgia

A dog-bite complaint must be filed within a certain amount of time, called a statute of limitation. Dog bites and dog-caused injury claims typically fall under a larger category of “Personal Injury.” 

In Georgia, personal injury cases have a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the accident. The two-year timeframe is defined in Ga. Code § 9-3-33 (2022).) This is important, as this is a very specific amount of time – during which one needs to file a personal injury claim in the Georgia courts. 

Discuss Dog Bites With a Marietta Personal Injury Lawyer 

If you have been involved in a dog bite claim in Georgia, it could be a good time to talk about your situation with an experienced attorney. A Marietta personal injury lawyer can discuss options, whether you are the dog owner or someone who was bitten or injured by a dog.

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