You might be wondering who would vote for an amendment that will strip us of our Constitution’s protection to work and practice our trade? Why should we worry, this will never pass. The business interests behind Amendment One know the only chance they have to get people to vote for it is if they deceive voters with the language on the ballot. Here is the actual language: “Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to make Georgia more economically competitive by authorizing legislation to uphold reasonable competitive agreements?” The truth is, if voters vote yes, their existing rights to compete reasonably will be lost. Or to put it another way, 11 Alive – Amendment One: It’s a Damned Lie.
If you believe in the right to work and practice a trade, Vote No on One.
If you believe that free markets and competition breed innovation, Vote No on One.
If you believe restricting the ability to work is a really bad idea in this economy, Vote No on One.
If you believe our Government should not lie to us about the true meaning of Amendments, Vote No on One.