
The Impact of Truck Accidents on Cobb County Roads

Truck accidents in Cobb County are all too common and pose unique dangers. The challenge for those involved in a truck accident is to stay calm, take safety measures, and protect your rights while seeking justice. 

How Common are Truck Collisions?

A recent Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) report states that 494,000 police-reported truck collisions were reported in 2021. Of these, 22% – 110,000 involved injuries, and 1% – 5,149 resulted in one or more deaths.

What to Do After a Cobb County Truck Accident

After a collision with an 18-wheeler, questions may be swirling in your mind. 

The first steps are seeking medical attention, notifying your insurance, and obtaining an accident report. After taking these critical steps, it may be useful to talk with an experienced Marietta personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options. 

Get Medical Attention in Cobb County

Your safety and health are the top priority, so do not hesitate to get proper medical attention. While many people initially feel that they were not severely injured, consulting a doctor is your first step.

Medical attention is crucial for your health and well-being. It can be important in starting a claim for insurance or legal purposes. Immediate attention to injuries is one way to demonstrate that the accident was what caused the problem. 

Notify Your Insurance Company in Cobb County

This is a key step in reporting the facts and impact of the accident. If you have questions regarding the incident, you may prefer to first speak with an attorney.

Get an Accident Report in Cobb County 

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is where you can get an accident report or file your report if law enforcement was not at the scene of the accident. 

This is a good time to gather evidence, such as photographs of the scene, auto repair bills, contact information gathered from other drivers, and any medical documents. Photos are valuable pieces of evidence, such as photos of car damage and injuries, as well as any visual images to document the scene.

What is the Time Limit for Filing a Law Suit in Cobb County?

In Georgia, most truck collisions fall under the state’s statute of limitation. Georgia Code § 9-3-33 defines the specific periods of limitations. The deadline to file an injury claim is typically two years after the collision. If the truck accident caused property damage, the statute of limitation is four years. These timelines may vary depending on the case.

Is it Time to Talk to a Cobb County Lawyer?

If you get a call from the trucking company or insurance representative before contacting a lawyer, consider saying that you are not ready to talk. Talking with an experienced lawyer may help you be prepared for the conversation.

Talking with an experienced attorney can help provide peace of mind. In a confidential and no-cost conversation, there is time to ask questions, explore options, and understand what steps are involved in seeking justice.

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