
Articles Posted in Georgia personal injury attorney


What Causes Bicycle Wrecks in Georgia?

Every year, serious bicycle crashes cost over $23 billion. Misinformation contributes to this high total. Bicycle helmets are a good example. When drivers see helmeted riders, drivers subconsciously think the riders could survive crashes. Therefore, many drivers take unnecessary chances. These unnecessary changes often mean severe or catastrophic injuries for bicyclists.…


Common Insurance Company Defenses in Car Crash Cases

Plaintiff’s winning percentage in court has declined over the last several years, mostly because insurance company revenue has skyrocketed over this same period to more than $1 trillion per year. As a result, these companies can now hire more effective lawyers and allow them to go to trial if necessary. Usually, the…


Is Speed a Factor in Most Accidents?

Maybe not “most” accidents, but speed is a factor in about a third of the fatal car wrecks in Georgia. The proportion of speeding-related collisions had been dropping slightly until the 2020 coronavirus lockdowns. When roads emptied, many drivers acquired some bad habits, including excessive speeding. Like many bad habits, this one…


Finding the Right Lawyer for a Truck Crash Claim

Since 2010, the number of fatal large truck crashes has increased by 31%. The danger has increased as regulators, citing supply chain concerns, now look the other way when truckers violate HOS (hours of service) laws and other safety laws. These cases are quite complex since the liability chain does not…


What to Expect in a Georgia Negligence Case 

Eventually, most personal injury cases in Georgia settle out of court. However, in most civil cases, “eventually” is a very long time. Insurance company lawyers drag their feet as much as possible. Every day that a settlement check stays in the insurance company’s bank account, the bank pays interest. Vehicle…


Feds Continue Watering Down Truck Driver Safety Rules

Truck drivers hauling certain consumer products are exempt from some HOS (Hours of Service) rules, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration. The latest exemption does not expire until May 2022 at the earliest. In a statement, the FMCSA stated the extension was necessary, even though COVID-19 cases are dropping,…


Georgia Auto Accident Lawyers Use Expert Witnesses

Sometimes, the causes and results of a vehicle collision are easy to understand. Take this example: Driver YZ failed to stop at the red light YZ’s car crashed into the victim BC’s car in the intersection BC’s car was damaged BC suffered a broken arm during the crash That case…


Deadly Fireball Wreck in Atlanta

Police are unsure what caused a serious injury collision on Interstate 20, but they are certain that the crash killed two people and seriously injured several others, including an infant and a teenager. Investigators believe that a Chevrolet pickup swerved to avoid a Dodge Charger and slammed into a retaining…


The Five Types of Driving Impairment

During coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, many Georgia motorists developed some bad driving habits, including speeding, not wearing a seat belt, and driving while impaired. Before the pandemic, operator impairment accounted for about half of the fatal car crashes in the Peachtree State. There is no telling how high the proportion is…


Fireball Dodge Charger Crash Near Forsyth Kills Four People

A motorist who was trying to evade pursuing police officers apparently lost control of his car at speeds approaching 170mph. Four people between age 16 and age 22 died in the inferno. A deputy operating a speed trap initially clocked a Dodge Challenger at 102mph. As the deputy pursued, the…

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