Articles Posted in asbestos


Court of Appeals Revives Asbestos Lawsuit Against Gasket Manufacturer

The dangers of asbestos have now been known for decades. Any exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to the development of mesothelioma, a deadly form of lung cancer, and other illnesses. In many cases, asbestos-related illnesses do not manifest symptoms until decades after the exposure. Davis v. John Crane, Inc.…


Georgia Supreme Court Clears Asbestos Lawsuit to Go to Trial

A company may be held liable under Georgia law for any defects in the design or manufacture of its products. Similarly, a manufacturer may be responsible if it fails to properly label or warn consumers about the known risks of using a product. Defective design and failure-to-warn claims are distinct…


Atlanta Court Rejects Asbestos Lawsuit Against Valve Manufacturer

Asbestos exposure has caused serious health problems for millions of American workers. Under Georgia products liability law, a manufacturer may be held responsible for exposing a person to asbestos-containing products. A federal appeals court recently considered how far such liability should extend. Thurmon v. Georgia Pacific, LLC This lawsuit involved…

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