
Marietta Injury Lawyer Blog


Editorial on Georgia’s Medical Malpractice Tort Reform

With the Supreme Court of Georgia’s recent monumental decision on medical malpractice damages caps, the tort reform debate is back in the news. As a Marietta Medical Malpractice Lawyer, when I saw that Joe Kirby (Editor of the Editorial Page of the Marietta Daily Journal) had written an article on…


Georgia Medical Malpractice Damages Caps Ruled Unconstitutional by the Georgia Supreme Court (Nestlehutt Case)

In 2005, under extreme pressure from the insurance industry, the Georgia Legislature passed sweeping tort reform measures (known as SB3) drastically changing Georgia law. At the heart of SB3 is OCGA § 51-13-1, which limits noneconomic damages in medical malpractice actions. Under this law no matter what value a jury…


ER Gross Negligence Statute Upheld by the Supreme Court of Georgia

Since 1863, Georgia law has required that those practicing medicine for compensation must bring to the exercise of their profession a reasonable degree of care and skill, and Georgia law has provided that any injury resulting from a want of such care and skill shall be a tort for which…


The Supreme Court of Georgia Upholds the “Offer of Settlement” Statute, OCGA § 9-11-68

In 2005, by the narrowest of margins, the Georgia Legislature passed sweeping changes to Georgia’s tort laws, known as SB3. Included in those changes was the new “Offer of Settlement” statute, codified at OCGA § 9-11-68. The Offer of Settlement statute has created a new mechanism for punishing a party…


Powerful Video; True Story of a Georgia Medical Malpractice Victim (The Nestlehutt Case)

The above video illustrates why we need government watchdogs, consumer advocates and Georgia trial lawyers fighting for the constitutional right to a jury trial. If you watch the video you will understand why the American System of Civil Justice should be protected from the insurance companies. We continue to pray…


American Red Cross Does Amazing Work Right Here in Cobb County

Most of us are familiar with the heroic efforts of the American Red Cross in responding to catastrophic disasters across the world. When earthquakes hit, we know the Red Cross will be there shortly to protect life and alleviate human suffering. However, the Red Cross doesn’t get nearly enough publicity…


Recent Recalls: Acura, Chrysler, Dodge, Honda, Saab, and Toyota

When it comes to vehicles, there are some dangerous and defective products on the market right now. A good source of vehicle safety and recall information is the Consumer Reports car blog. Today Consumer Reports posted an informative piece on the latest recalls concerning the following vehicle: Acura, Chrysler, Dodge,…

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