
Marietta Injury Lawyer Blog


Georgia Supreme Court to Decide Property Owner’s Responsibility For Fatal Alligator Attack

The Georgia Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that tests the extent to which property owners are responsible for others injured by animals on their property. The Homeowners Association of The Landings, a subdivision on Skidaway Island, just outside of Savannah, GA, is being sued in relation to…


Georgia Child Safety and Product Liability Update – Jogging Strollers Recalled for Choking Hazard

As a Georgia products liability lawyer and father of three I’m always interested in safety recalls with child safety implications. Hundreds of thousands of the popular B.O.B. jogging strollers are being recalled because of a choking concern. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission made the announcement this week of the…


Jonas Jennings, Sues His Former Football Coach, Jim Donnan, Alleging Donnan Lured Him Into a Ponzi Scheme

In a case that may have particular interest to University of Georgia Football Fans, ex-UGA football coach Jim Donnan is being sued by one of his former players Jonas Jennings, who was a standout for the Dawgs between 1996 and 2000, and entered the NFL Draft in 2001. Jennings is…


The Supreme Court of Georgia Ruled a Jury Will Be Allowed to Hear Unusual Medical Malpractice Suit

The Georgia Supreme Court recently published an opinion in the case of O’Brien v Bruscato, allowing suit to go forward involving a mentally ill Georgia man that brutally killed mother. Vito Bruscato, the father and guardian of Victor Bruscato brought a medical malpractice suit against Victor’s psychiatrist for discontinuing his…


Cobb County Jury Returns Record $40 Million Dollar Verdict for Husband’s Wrongful Death and Widow’s Personal Injuries

As a Marietta Trucking Lawyer, I’m always interested in significant Cobb County trials involving tractor trailer collisions. On Thursday I watched closing arguments in the case of Theresa Foster v. Landstar Ranger, Inc. et al. The case was filed by a Blakely, Georgia woman seeking to hold a Florida trucking…


Georgia Child Safety and Product Liability Update – Drop-Side Cribs Outlawed For Causing Numerous Infant Deaths

The traditional drop side crib that millions of parents have trusted and relied on to cradle their babies for generations has now been outlawed by the government. After many recalls and the deaths of over 30 infants and young toddlers over the last 10 years, drop side cribs will no…


Appeals Court Rejects Medical Monitoring for Toxins in 2007 Train Derailment

In an interesting decision out of the 6th Circuit, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a judgment for CSX Transportation Inc. last week in a case brought by a group of citizens seeking medical monitoring for the small Ohio town of Painesville, after a train…


First Personal Injury Lawsuit Following May 2011 FDA Warning Concerning Breast Milk and Infant Formula Thickening Agent

A New Mexico couple has filed suit against Georgia companies, Simply Thick, LLC, the owners of SimplyThick, a product used to thicken breast milk and infant formula, and Thermo Pac, LLC, who manufactures and supplies the product in Georgia State Court. The complaint is believed to be the first filed…


Are Physician’s Assistants More Likely To Commit Medical Malpractice than Doctors?

A new study published by the Journal of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants finds that a majority of emergency room doctors do not believe the Physician Assistant’s (PA’s) are not more likely to commit malpractice. The study questioned 1000 members of the American College of Emergency Physicians in 2004…


Drug Company Lawyer Caught Bribing Expert Witness in Multi-Million Dollar Litigation

A darker side of international business was recently exposed when the Associated Press obtained a recording of a lawyer, Jorge Hernandez Martin, for Baxter International, a leading U.S. drug manufacturer, offering to pay an opposing expert in a lawsuit if he would leave the country on a key court date…

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