
Marietta Injury Lawyer Blog


Does Bankruptcy Get an Insurance Company Off the Hook for a Personal Injury Judgment?

Winning a personal injury judgment following a car accident does not always guarantee that the victim will actually get paid. There are cases in which a defendant who lacks adequate financial resources will file for protection under federal bankruptcy law. This can delay and in some cases defeat collection of…


When is a Georgia Insurer Not Liable for Accident Coverage Under an Umbrella Policy?

Many Georgia residents take out umbrella policies to provide liability coverage above  and beyond their standard auto insurance. Umbrella policies are especially beneficial to victims who sustain financial losses in excess of the normal car insurance policy. For example, if your injuries following a car accident cost you $500,000 in…


How Ridesharing May Affect Your Car Insurance in Georgia

Ridesharing has become a popular way for many residents of the Atlanta metropolitan area to earn additional income via smartphone apps like Uber and Lyft. Before you sign up to offer rides for money, you should check with your car insurance company. Many standard insurance policies exclude coverage for “public…


Georgia Supreme Court Rules “Free” Admission Deprives Child Victim of Right to Sue

Many parents would be happy to see a public park or attraction that admits their children for free. But thanks to a recent decision by the Supreme Court of Georgia, those parents may want to think twice about the legal cost of “free” admission. According to the Court, if you…


Georgia Supreme Court Rejects Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Atlanta Teacher

Everyone recognizes that teachers have a difficult job. We also trust teachers with the education and well-being of our children. So, when the worst happens and a child dies while in a teacher’s custody, grieving parents will understandably seek accountability and justice through the courts. Barnett v. Caldwell Unfortunately, when…


Does a Fianceé Qualify for Accident Benefits Under a Car Insurance Policy?

One of the recurring questions that arise in personal injury cases is determining who is covered by an auto insurance policy. Since most claims are paid via some form of insurance, whether it is that of the negligent driver or the victim’s own uninsured motorist coverage, it is critical to…


Does Georgia Law Require Manufacturers to Warn Third Parties About Dangerous Products?

When it comes to product liability, Georgia courts have long held that a manufacturer can be held responsible for its “failure to warn” customers about potentially harmful defects that it knew about (or should have known about). This duty extends to any “nonobvious foreseeable danger” arising from the normal use…


Contradictory Testimony Dooms Car Accident Victim’s Push for Summary Judgment Against Insurer

Before initiating any kind of personal injury lawsuit, it is important to gather all of the relevant facts and make sure that you are consistent and truthful in any pretrial statements you make, whether to your own attorney or to the court. Inconsistencies, even if they are honest misunderstandings or…


When is a Georgia Store Owner Liable for a Rainy Day Slip-and-Fall Accident?

Everyone understands that you need to be careful when walking in the rain. But just because it is raining outside, that does not automatically absolve store owners of their legal duty to keep their premises in reasonably safe condition for patrons and other invited guests. Put another way, while a…


Plaintiff Who Represents Himself Against the State Finds He Has No Case

Acting as your own attorney is never a good idea. This is especially true when it comes to personal injury claims. Even a seemingly “simple” lawsuit arising from something like a car accident can implicate many complex questions of law. If you have never participated in a civil lawsuit before,…

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