
Marietta Injury Lawyer Blog


Finding the Right Lawyer for a Truck Crash Claim

Since 2010, the number of fatal large truck crashes has increased by 31%. The danger has increased as regulators, citing supply chain concerns, now look the other way when truckers violate HOS (hours of service) laws and other safety laws. These cases are quite complex since the liability chain does not…


Five Most Common Older Adult Fall Injuries

The medical bills and other economic losses associated with older adult falls total over $50 billion per year. Medicare and most private health insurance cover some of, but not all of, these costs. Therefore, many older fall victims could be financially responsible for medical bills they cannot pay. Even if a public…


Electronic Evidence in Truck Crash Claims

The number of large truck crashes is on the rise, in part because of the number of inexperienced drivers who are behind the wheel. According to the American Truck Driver Association, the current 80,000-driver shortage could reach 160,000 by 2029. These large vehicles are difficult for even experienced operators to handle. An…


What to Expect in a Georgia Negligence Case 

Eventually, most personal injury cases in Georgia settle out of court. However, in most civil cases, “eventually” is a very long time. Insurance company lawyers drag their feet as much as possible. Every day that a settlement check stays in the insurance company’s bank account, the bank pays interest. Vehicle…


Third-Party Liability in Car Crash Claims

Georgia has one of the country’s lowest auto insurance minimum requirements. Therefore, many Georgia drivers do not have enough insurance to cover all the losses in a catastrophic injury claim. The medical bills alone in such claims usually exceed $100,000.  Victims in this situation usually have two basic options, especially if…


What Causes Truck Crashes?

Mostly because of driver issues, large truck crashes have increased by 47% since 2009. Especially given continuing supply chain issues, companies put more pressure on drivers than ever to deliver their loads as quickly as possible, regardless of safety concerns. In other words, these companies put profits before people. Regulators have not…


Breaking Down a Fall Injury Claim

Every year, serious fall injuries send over eight million Americans to hospital emergency rooms. The physical injuries these victims sustain are just the beginning. Falls usually cause emotional injuries, as well, especially if the victim is over 65. Many of these individuals are so afraid of falling again that they cease most…


Grocery Store Falls From the Inside Out

Every year, small and large supermarkets pay over $450 million to resolve indoor and outdoor slip-and-fall claims. These falls cause physical and emotional injuries. Physically, these victims sustain head injuries, broken bones, and other such wounds that often never heal, or at least never entirely heal. The same is true for the…


Workers’ Comp Benefits in Georgia

Over the last several years, wages have increased some, and medical bills have increased even more. However, workers’ compensation benefits are on the opposite track. Since 2013, wage replacement benefits are down 17%, and medical bill payment benefits are down 20%. Since workers’ compensation is no-fault insurance, insurance company lawyers cannot…


Vehicle Runs Over Pedestrians in Cobb County

Few details were available after a predawn vehicle-on-pedestrian accident that sent a man to a local hospital in critical condition.  The wreck occurred on SR 120 in Cobb County. Pedestrian Injuries  Multiple layers of advanced safety systems protect vehicle occupants during collisions. Pedestrians have no such protections. As a result, serious…

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