
Highway Patrol Expresses “Disbelief” After Numerous Labor Day Fatalities

Traffic authorities across the United States know that Labor Day weekend is an especially dangerous time. Along with Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, Labor Day is a day of abnormally high traffic fatalities. On a national scale, almost 500 people die on this day each year – and the number continues to rise. In the Peach State alone, numerous people lost their lives on Labor Day weekend  – and many of these accidents could eventually lead to wrongful death lawsuits in Georgia.

Georgia State Patrol Reports 20 Deaths Over Labor Day Weekend

In September of 2024, the Georgia Department of Public Safety reported 20 total traffic fatalities over the Labor Day “holiday travel period.” Local agencies reported seven fatalities from seven crashes, while GSP troopers reported 13 fatalities from nine crashes. This marks one of the most deadly Labor Day weekends in recent memory for Georgia motorists. 

That being said, the number is a slight improvement from last year, when 21 people lost their lives during the same holiday period. One particularly deadly crash that year claimed the lives of five teens. 

In total, there were more than 550 crashes across the entire state. 200 injuries were also reported, and many of these injuries will undoubtedly prove life-altering. Almost 500 drivers were arrested for drunk driving – providing a clue as to what caused this uptick in dangerous crashes over Labor Day weekend. 

Why is Labor Day Such a Dangerous Time?

Labor Day is dangerous simply because there are more cars on the road. People flock to their families for dinners, and they often travel across the entire state to visit relatives. Others take the opportunity to visit restaurants, bars, and other attractions in one last moment of leisure before work and school begin again. 

Labor Day is also dangerous because of the amount of drunk drivers on the road. For many, this weekend represents an opportunity to celebrate and indulge for an extra day – for a total of three “party nights.” Even those who attempt to sleep before driving home may still suffer the lingering effects of alcohol. Fatigue is another major hazard, and even a slight mistake at the wheel can have deadly consequences. 

Remember, the only thing that can reliably negate the effects of alcohol is time. When in doubt, sleep it off – or organize a cab/Uber. Next year, one can only hope that we see fewer fatalities in Georgia over the Labor Day weekend. 

What are My Legal Options After a Fatal Auto Accident in Georgia?

If your loved one passed away due to someone else negligence, you are justified in exploring your options for legal action. This is true whether the fatal accident occurred on Labor Day, Memorial Day, or any other time of the year. A wrongful death lawsuit could be possible – and it may lead to compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, and more. 

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