
Georgia Man Dies After Fiery Crash Involving Two Semi-Trucks

A fiery truck accident is something that virtually every Georgia driver wants to avoid at all costs. Even if you survive the initial impact, secondary fire hazards could cause catastrophic, disfiguring injuries as you remain entrapped within your vehicle. Detonations are common, and semi-trucks often explode after crashing. If a fiery semi-truck crash in Marietta injured you or someone you love, you may be considering legal action. 

Two Semi-Trucks Ignite, Claiming the Life of a Georgia Man

In October of 2024, it was reported that a Georgia man had lost his life after a fiery crash with two semi-trucks. First, the man struck a semi-truck on I-20. This caused his vehicle to become disabled, leaving it in the middle of the highway. Next, a second semi-truck approached and struck the disabled vehicle at full speed, causing catastrophic injuries. The second semi-truck and the disabled vehicle both caught fire at this point, and they came to a rest on the side of the highway. 

Traffic authorities did not release much information about this crash beyond the most basic facts. Although we can only speculate about the cause of this crash, there are a number of unanswered questions. First, what caused the initial collision between the victim and the semi-truck? Was the first truck driver at fault? 

Secondly, how exactly did the second semi-truck hit the disabled vehicle? Did the victim activate his hazard lights after the initial impact? Was the semi-truck approaching the crash at a high rate of speed? Is there any evidence of intoxication for any of the drivers? These are questions that should be addressed as the authorities investigate the crash. 

What are My Legal Options After a Fiery Semi-Truck Crash?

If you have survived a fiery semi-truck crash, the first thing you need to do is seek medical attention. Your health should be your top priority, and it may be impossible to take legal action without the necessary medical records. Remember, you need to prove that your injuries are real – and this is extremely difficult if you never see a doctor. 

After your condition stabilizes, you need to consider your potential damages. In the legal world, your damages represent your losses – and a fiery truck accident can cause various non-economic and economic losses. 

First, consider the cost of your medical treatments. You may not know the full extent of your medical bills until you reach your maximum medical improvement (MMI), so you might need to wait before calculating these costs. Second, consider your lost income. How much money will you lose after missing work? Again, you might need to wait until your MMI before calculating the true extent of your lost wages. In many cases, drivers permanently lose the ability to work after truck accidents. 

Finally, take a moment to consider your non-economic damages. These include psychological and emotional losses, including emotional distress or pain & suffering. A common non-economic damage after a fiery truck crash in Cobb County is disfigurement. For example, you might have suffered disfiguring burns across your face – and this may lead to serious psychological hardships. 

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