
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Free Thumb Socks! New Campaign to Stop Texting & Driving

I just finished up a case where a violent head on collision was caused by a texting teen. In my case, luckily no one was killed, but texting and driving is a huge problem that is killing American teens. Do’s Thumb Wars is a national campaign to help educate…


Attorney Ben Persons Receives 10 out of 10 Superb AVVO Rating

Avvo is a leading lawyer rating website that rates and profiles lawyers in every state to help consumers evaluate and select an excellent lawyer for their needs. The primary focus of Avvo’s ratings are 1) Experience, 2) Industry Recognition, and 3) Professional Conduct. Recently, they have given Persons Firm attorney,…


Crime Stoppers Tip Leads to Capture in Fatal Hit and Run Incident

Atlanta has seen a flood of wrongful death and catastrophic injuries caused by hit and run drivers this summer. Numerous metro area police departments are pursuing active hit and run investigations. This week DeKalb county caught the man believed to be responsible for the fatal hit and run collision on…


Sandy Springs Police Looking for Car Involved in Deadly Hit and Run

Today, a Lexus LS 460, like the vehicle pictured to the left, struck and killed a pedestrian walking next to Roswell Road. According to the Sandy Springs Police the Lexus left the road, struck a man walking on the sidewalk, and immediately left the scene. We have seen a rash…


Victim Seriously Injured in Cobb County Hit and Run Collision

Smyrna Police are looking for the driver of a 2001 or 2002 white Chevrolet Camaro involved in a hit and run incident, Saturday night, July 17th. According to the police investigation, the Camaro struck a parked car and while attempting to flee the scene struck a young woman causing serious…


BP Executive Promises to Pay All Legitimate Claims in Gulf Coast Disaster

As previously discussed in this blog, the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), Oil Polution Act (OPA), and the Limitation of Liability Act (LOLA) protect companies like BP from liability when disasters such as the Gulf Coast Oil Spill occur. However, it appears government and public pressure may prevent…


BP May Escape Liability for the Catastrophic Damage Caused by the Gulf Oil Rig Explosion

It has been revealed through recent Congressional hearings that BP ignored warning signs and continued to drill just hours before the oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, exploded killing 11 people and causing an environmental catastrophe of historic proportions. BP has admitted fault, but BP executives testified that Transocean (the offshore drilling…


Motorcyclist’s Fatal Crash in Downtown Atlanta Caused by Suspected Drunk Driver

Today, in the early morning hours, a fatal motorcycle crash occurred on I-75 northbound near the 17th street overpass. According to investigating officers, the motorcyclist was ejected and killed during the collision when his motorcycle was rear-ended by an SUV. The driver of the SUV was arrested and charged with…


7 Rules to Keep Teen Drivers Safe

School is out for the summer and teen drivers are spending more time behind the wheel. Recent studies indicate teen drivers engage in more risky in-vehicle behavior during the summer months, which likely accounts for the increased number of fatal car wrecks during the summer. According to the NHTSA, car…


Video – Deadly Collision Caused by Texting Driver

Texting while driving, is known by prosecutors and personal injury lawyers as the new DUI/DWI. Georgia will soon become one of the 20 states that bans texting while driving. With legislation and driver education we can hopefully prevent fatal collisions like what occurred in the video above.

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