
Can You Sue Police for Dog Bites in Georgia?

While many dog bite lawsuits involve privately owned pets, others involve police “K9 units.” Dogs are used throughout many law enforcement agencies in Georgia, and these animals are trained to perform various roles. But even the most well-trained animal is still an animal, and they are capable of causing serious, disfiguring injuries. A recent incident resulted in a Georgia man dying from a K9 attack, and the family is asking serious questions. 

Theft Suspect Killed by Georgia Police K9

Recently, the Hamilton Spectator reported that a man from Georgia had died after being attacked by a police dog. The incident occurred in Moultrie, and police say that it began with reports of burglaries. They arrived to find a suspect and attempted to pull him over while he was riding his four-wheeler. 

This sparked an off-road pursuit through various fields, and the suspect reportedly “turned in front of the police cruiser” and “attempted to hit it.” This caused the four-wheeler to flip over, and the suspect tried to escape on foot. It was at this moment that the officer released a K9 unit, which chased the suspect and caused fatal bite wounds. 

When the officer caught up with the suspect, he immediately realized the man was suffering from life-threatening bite wounds. The officer then called first responders, and doctors attempted life-saving treatment, which reportedly involved amputating a limb. However, the man could not be saved – and he passed away while receiving treatment. 

The man’s family insists that this is a prime example of excessive force. They state that he was not a dangerous individual, and that he was merely trying to escape from the pursuing officer. They also maintain that he did not have any deadly weapons in his possession at the time of the altercation, arguing that the police officer had no right to use deadly force. 

This is not the first time police officers have been accused of unlawfully releasing dogs on people in Georgia. Last year, an Atlanta police officer was indicted on felony charges after releasing a dog on a person who was waiting for an ambulance. The family sued, and the lawsuit stated that the family had called 911 to request medical care – not a police officer. 

For whatever reason, an officer then directed his dog to bite the man’s arm. The dog proceeded to rip chunks of flesh from the man’s body for “close to a minute,” according to the lawsuit. The man survived the attack, but he is reportedly suffering from nightmares and flashbacks from the incident. 

Can You File a Lawsuit for a Police Dog Bite?

It may be possible to sue a local police department if you have been attacked by a K9 unit. It all depends on whether the police were justified in releasing the dog on you. Generally speaking, police should only release their dogs on people who pose a threat to those around them. Police officers should not need assistance from vicious dogs if you resist arrest. 

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